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Morning And Afternoon
Car Line Procedure

722 Updated Carline Picture.png

Students should arrive before 7:45 am.
You may drop them off as early as 7:15 am

  • Upon arrival, please stay to the right of the entrance.

  • Follow the arrows around the parking lot until you reach the roundabout, and drive around the fountain. 

  • There will be school personnel greeting students into the school building. If at all possible, allow your child to exit your vehicle from the doors on the right. 

  • Students will then proceed into the cafeteria through the two double doors. 

Pick-up is from 3:10 to 3:30pm. Please follow the parking instructions below. 

  • Have your car line tag visible before entering the driveway. 

  • Upon arrival, please stay to the right of the entrance.

  • Follow the arrows around the parking lot until you reach the roundabout, and drive around the fountain. 

  • There will be school personnel bringing students to the front for pick-up. If at all possible, allow your child to enter your vehicle from the doors on the right. 

School Bus

School Bus EVA provides FREE bus transportation for our students. Please use the link below to register your students if needed. On the link you will see a map of current stops, pick up and drop off times, and all information to register. Eagle Bus Services manages all aspects of our bus tranportation program. East Voyager Academy pays for this service for our students. Here is the link to learn about and register for bus transportation:


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